Please note that at this price point all other manufacturers making 87 style mics import cheap mass-produced circuits and or capsules often from the same suppliers. Our O.P.R-PLAN-8 ULTRA circuit and capsule are hand made here in Melbourne Australia which makes it not a rarity but a truly boutique microphone with superior sonics.
Introducing our very own, made in Australia OPR-PLAN-8 ULTRA
The PLAN-8 ULTRA pays homage to the vintage U87i. originally manufactured between 1967 to 1986. sensitive high impedance components are mounted point to point on acrylic for superior electrical insulation and long-term stability and most importantly producing our very own hand made capsule, which we precision machine and hand tune to original parameters, in house, right here at the O.P.R lab in Melbourne Australia.
True to the original, our capsule replicates the finest examples of 87 capsule I've came across in my research and years of servicing Neumann microphones. The capsule utilizes a dual back-plate design with precision machined holes, a center-terminated, gold coated, 6-micron German Mylar diaphragm, which is meticulously tuned and pre-aged for long life and superior sonics. All this culminates into “that” sound that you know and love.
from kick drums and bass guitar to delicate acoustic instruments, massive wall of sound electric guitars as well its ability to place a vocal front and centre of any mix. The sound heard on thousands of amazing recordings the world over.
When it comes to microphones the most important part is the transducer, be it the ribbon in a ribbon microphone or a capsule in a condenser microphone, as this is the first contact point between the outside world and the electrical domain, this is where the nuance and emotion of a performance is captured.
The Vintage 87i circuit uses our own unique selection cream of the crop components that ensure signal path purity as well as replicate the sonics of the original. The O.P.R-PLAN-8 true to the vintage circuit uses a single Fet amplifier driving our PLAN-8 output transformer resulting in a rich, thick, low distortion sound with an amazing transient detail great for Vocals,bass,guitars acoustic and electric as well as brass instruments making it a true studio workhorse.
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